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60 results found

  1. Less clickbait

    Less clickbait

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  2. How can i turn off "For You"??

    I want my news to be newest to oldest. "For You" is old news I have already read. Why default to old news??

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  3. Be more transparent on moderation practices.

    More than a week ago a message board comment of mine was rejected which in no way, in my opinion, violated any of Yahoo's message board rules. I am still waiting for a response to my appeal. This has happened to me on numerous occasions. Meanwhile all manner of vile, even racist, dreck from others seems to get published with no action taken. Yahoo needs to be more inclusive with its users about moderation, particularly how moderators are monitored for unwarranted rejections and potential bias.

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  4. Set mandatory minimums for comment section posts

    My complaints with Yahoo's subpar moderation are well documented in the Play Store. But here it is in a nutshell: the more thoughtful, clearly stated and well-written a comment section post is, the more likely it is to be rejected or "held for moderation" in a process that can take hours if it's resolved at all. Meanwhile, poorly written ESL troll trash in clear violation of Yahoo's rules makes its way into publication with no apparent trouble at all. This is especially true at night, on weekends and with hot, breaking news stories about US politics or Ukraine, where Yahoo's…

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  5. Stop censoring post from conservatives

    I've been called a "MAGAt" by left leaning troll posters on yahoo comments. If I type the word leftard, it is immediately removed by yahoo. The left wing bias on the comment section is absurd.

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  6. Stop including slander in top news.

    The opinion piece by The Telegraph should not be in today's top news. It is very slanted and slanderous. We are fighting for our democracy, and such misinformation is dangerous. I want a way to block The Telegraph, but I didn't see a way.

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  7. Address SEO irregularities

    News articles aggregated by Yahoo that are as many as four years old are appearing unusually high in Google search results with timestamps that make the articles appear to be recent:

    Here's the latest example I've found after running the search (mail-in voting on Google:

    This article is from December 2022, yet the timestamp in Google search results is "2 days ago".

    The article also has an inappropriate "ca.movies" URL, another persistent problem Yahoo should address.

    Strangely, many of these long-expired articles would appear to benefit Republicans. In another recent instance a four-year-old article in which Biden says…

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  8. Complaint about the new selection of five topics

    Whatever the new feature is that you force on me tonight I don't want it but there was no way to get out of it without making five selections first so I made five lousy selections just so I can get to the news I don't want a tab with what I just want to be interested in I watch and read all the news I don't need guidelines I'm 69 years old I know how to read the news so how do I get rid of that folder and get back to just the normal news feed for Yahoo…

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  9. Comments, why not allow people to make comments and STOP blocking/closing comments after a few days!!!

    Allow people to Post Comments Anytime without YOU Shutting down Comments after a Day or However Long!!!

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  10. I want to know why the last 10 comments is I posted were rejected for guideline violations!!

    Stop censoring conservative/republican comment on news articles

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  11. Fix your URLs

    Here's an example from today's report. AP article lays bare Trump's weakness with the broad US electorate and it's given a Canadian URL so American Yahoo users can't comment on it. Removing the CA and refreshing works sometimes but often (like today) goes to an error page. This happens all too frequently; who's responsible for this? It gives the impression that you're hiding news. That's Infotainment.

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  12. Stop pushing the liberal America hating agenda

    There are many outlets out there that hate America and hide the opposition view, aka the truth. Look up the word integrity and use that as a guide to be different from the rest.

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  13. Report the news, the right way.

    Quit being a trump hater, an hating America. Try being a legit news source.

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  14. Blocking headlines

    It would be great to be able to add words to exclude from headlines to block stories I'm sick of or just block the word 'here' it's annoying . Here's what to know, here's what you need to know, here's what we know, what to know etc! Of course here's what to know it's a news article. Just a headline written as if everyone's an idiot.

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  15. Stop the next story pop-up .

    Please eliminate the pop-up box trying to get you to click to the next story . All too often I hit it and lose the story that I am reading .

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  16. Captions

    It would be helpful for hard of hearing, deaf, and even people who can't use sound if the videos had captions

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  17. No Subject wheh you trying to send an article to email

    No Subject anymore when you trying to send an article to you email. Please fix.

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  18. Turn off panic news turn on the truth economy will strive with ***** CORP.

    I inititialised ownership with ***** STOCK CORPORATION

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  19. Monitor more than one city, for news.

    It's critical for me to monitor both a city in WA state and CA. In Google News this is easily done. I haven't found it possible on Yahoo News. Please add!

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  20. Set a minimum word or character count for comments

    Forcing people to elaborate on their opinions a little would eliminate the two or three-word "troll trash" that's so common on your message boards.

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