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271 results found

  1. The New Log In Procedures

    I absolutely despise your new login procedures.

    They're draconian, intrusive (Why should I have to give you access to my phone number, another email address, MY HOME ADDRESS --and if I've moved five times since establishing this account? Hm? and other information? It's BS.), busywork, and arrogant.

    They are basically a set of escalating, anti-user, deeply frustrating, barriers.

    They repel instead of invite.

    They engender distrust instead of allaying worries.

    They needlessly complicate a system that should be simple.

    The complicated, intrusive new log in demands feel like a directive from people in the C-Suite to the Development Team that…

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  2. Autosuggest has stopped working. Why? Others have the same problem , but there is no help.

    Give us some help for when autofill / autosuggestion stops working. If I can't fix this I am changing email provider - major hassle.

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  3. When I delete an email, the email message below it gets deleted also!

    Yahoo mail is deleting messages automatically that are next in line to the email message that I am actually deleting. I am losing important email messages. This needs to be fixed immediately.

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  4. Holiday Reminders Optional.

    Make them optional, please. One popped up for Father's Day today. My dad died of pancreatic cancer, and I would rather not think about it. I know it is helpful for some people, but for other people, it is like poking an open wound.

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  5. Calendar makes one hour meeting 25 hours!

    Message offered putting a meeting on my Yahoo calendar. Time was 7:30 to 11:30 PT. I am ET. The 7:30 was correctly translated to 10:30, but the ending time was bumped 24 hours into the next day. I changed the ending time to 12 AM Midnight. Calendar kept the duration at over 24 hours and would not let me change the dates to fix it . If I changed the ending date back a day it moved the starting date a day earlier. No matter what I changed something else would move to keep the wrong duration. Calendar does stuff…

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  6. Old Messages

    Why am I seeing messages from 3 Weeks ago??????

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  7. Old Messages

    I just opened my Archive folder to see an old message from May 13th?

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  8. 106th ranked

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  9. why am I logged on to access mail, but when I go you respond to comments on articles, it says I need to logon, I'm logon?

    Your system is showing that I need to logon on to my account to comment, but I am logon, can get to my email, and everything. When I click on the logon button on the comment part of an article, all that happens is that the page refreshes and that is ALL it does.

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  10. NO default by IP-address Language !!

    On April 20, 2023, I received a notification from Yahoo onto my Yahoo mailbox. It was in Hebrew -- which I NEVER read & spoke -- and NEVER setup as my account default language. I simply was in Israel that moment of time. It's insane in the globalized world to base the language of current communications on the current IP-address.

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  11. 59th ranked

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  12. Date and TIME for all messages

    Please add the TIME along with the date of ALL messages received e as some of us have to search by time sent as well as date sent.

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  13. text to video optional feature by to send a mail read describe box in details

    Dear sir/mam Can You add optional feature text to video convert mail think that you have two users. user1 and user2. user1 typing the email text but email text is so long. then after he have optional feature text to convert video ai backround voice. user1 upload his picture and type text going to convert video created. user2 receive mail with video and user2 will be download video and see what kind email send by user1. Because at this time reading and typing so bored. 20 or 25 years ago we use daak post for mesage but now people using…

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  14. go back to only having to click once on an email to view it. as it is now, you have to double-click it to see i

    Originally, in basic mail, you clicked once on an email and it opened in the viewer. Now, you have to double-click or all you see is a number in the viewer

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  15. Account & password security

    839364rove your security. I'm constantly getting notices from Cyber security that my email and password are showing up on the "dark web", whatever that is. I'm paying for yahoo premium, would expect it to be more secure than it is. BTW, my Gmail account has not been found on the dark web so far.

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  16. the mail will not load after I click on the site

    Yo need to work on your downloading and to delete mail

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  17. Schedule Sent

    Please make feature for schedule sent.

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  18. outlook

    Need Yahoo mail to work with outlook

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  19. attachment download button

    add a attachment download button next to attachment icon in mail inbox screen.

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  20. I want to set the writing ie size, colour & bold, but won't let me set it as permenent.

    I want to permanently set the size, colour & text of my writing, but it doesn't 'save' I have to change it every time I send an email. It's very annoying !!!

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