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271 results found

  1. Advanced searches for phrases

    It used to be possible to do an advanced search for phrases by putting quotes (inverted commas in British English) around the phrase. Now it searches for each individual word in that quoted phrase separately, making the search results useless. This applies to both paid an free accounts. Please restore this functionality so I can actually find things I'm looking for.

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  2. Painfully saving my emails from my email thread individually as the whole email can't be saved in one go. Please can someone look into this?

    Painfully saving my emails from my email thread individually as the whole email can't be saved in one go. Please can someone look into this?

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  3. how do i pin my yahoo mail to task bar

    how do i pin my yahoo mail to task bar without the use of chrome?

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  4. Please remove the priority button from my email you cause me to miss all my emails thanks ! that feature sucks!

    By removing the priority button so I stop not getting my emails -- it doesn't work on my phone and please end it!

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  5. vertical scroll bar

    I have used several Chromebooks over the past 3 yrs that have this same problem with Yahoo Free email:

    The right vertical scroll bar slider which can scroll the center email window segment used to view the upper & lower parts of the mail list is not visible on any of my Chromebooks.

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  6. Autosuggest has stopped working. Why? Others have the same problem , but there is no help.

    Give us some help for when autofill / autosuggestion stops working. If I can't fix this I am changing email provider - major hassle.

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  7. Multiple Inbox.

    It has become more and more difficult to clean my mailbox. I need only one Inbox but now I have 3. Can you post something to tell us how to manage our mailbox please. Thank You.

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  8. search box

    Search box quit working. It keeps saying error occurred. It has been like this for at least a couple of weeks now. I use that a lot, so very upsetting.

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  9. Message Tabs Setting

    The settings to display message tabs is reversed?

    If I select "On", the tabs disappear.
    If I select "OFF", the tabs appear.

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  10. Please bring back chosen language!

    For the past week - since you changed something- the language keeps changing to a different language - it's really upsetting and uncomfortable.

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  11. global privacy settings

    How many times to I have to deny the global privacy setting. I have already selected the settings I want, yet every-time I open the homepage I have to select allow or deny. make it stop.

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  12. Be able to mark an email as 'urgent'

    Be able to compose an email as 'urgent'

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  13. Search Feature Only Finding Sent Emails

    I've finally reached the point of desperation to post on the forum. I have not been able to find emails on Yahoo for a couple of years now. EVERY time I search for an email, even one that is blatantly right there in my inbox (when I tested the severity of the problem), and I type the sender's name in search for "All Mailboxes", I will only ever get the emails I have sent to this person. I've had to ask clients multiple times to resend me files and contracts because Yahoo has lost all of their emails. What is…

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  14. Yahoo Mail search function does not accurately work and especially on the first try

    The search function of Yahoo does not work properly, major issues with it. Currently, if I search for a specific email address I have sent to, about 80% of the time, the response is "There is nothing to see." but I know there are emails I have just sent even today.

    Then when I do the same search 2 or 3 times it works.

    However, on any search, Yahoo does not accurately display all emails for that particular email. It is very inaccurate.

    In addition, when I search for the content of an email, for instance I was searching for…

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  15. It would be helpful if I could select all mail from a sender and hit delete, but any starred ones would not delete.

    It would be helpful if I could select all mail from a sender and hit delete, but any starred ones would not delete. So that all mail from Staples ( example )would be deleted, except for my receipts or orders that I starred as they came in. That would save Yahoo space as well.

    IE important mail would need to be unstarred to delete it.

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  16. I am not able receive my emails it takes a long time?

    please check why my email is taking long to receive ?

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  17. Yahoo mail app Calendar integration

    Would it be possible to integrate the calendar functions within the iOS & Android Yahoo Mail application?

    This would make the app infinitely more useful for me and I'm sure many others would appreciate having this feature baked into the app.

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  18. Make mail filters work and also add BCC as a condition

    1. Firstly your filters don't work. I set a filter to move to trash the mail with "dating website" in the body. Still mails with such text comes through.
    2. Most spam have my email address in BCC, but you don't provide such option (only To/CC). It should've been no brainer for you.
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  19. cannot start a new email address. The inbox stays empty

    I started a new email address tictokfriends and I cannot send a email to this address. It shows the inbox as empty.

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  20. Improve your antiquated security and privacy

    Block senders and security/privacy need to be updated as the number of spam e-mails has grown over the years. Time taken to delete blocked addresses is ridiculous , even worse when it comes to your filters. These are filled within weeks and months of setting them.Once you delete them the new ones start pouring in.Limiting the numbers that you can block/filter is so Windows 95. Get it together please. Make it possible to delete all old filters/blocked address in one click not 1000 or 500.

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