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Yahoo Mail iOS App

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44 results found

  1. I just want to retrieve my old email

    Please, I need help to retrieve my old email

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  2. Reply All

    In iOS it would be helpful if the default reply button was 'Reply' and not 'Reply All'. Or at least make it configurable so that I can change the button to 'Reply'. Additionally, 'Reply All' should not include me as a recipient of the reply (it doesn't on the web version, but does on iOS and iPadOS). The recipients of a Reply All email should only include the original sender and anyone CC'd.

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  3. I can’t get my confirmation codes?!

    Where are my my new mail i can’t find my confirmation code that’s nerve wracking!

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  4. Wrong date displaying

    Email date displaying is wrong. It displays 03.10.23 on day 10th of March, instead of the correct display 10.03.23. This Please correct this bug.

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  5. No email address from sender???

    Why are emails, that have no sender email address, allowed to come through??? Can’t block, reply, or mark as spam. Instead of replying with “Gathering Feedback”, which we all know means that you are ignoring the post, Please answer my question.

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  6. Why do you not provide customer service??

    It is absolutely ridiculous, that you don’t provide any customer service!!! You get better service from a stop sign. I want to know why you refuse to respond? Why can’t you block emails, with these subject lines; Squirting school, ED fix, F*ck request from Rebecca, McAfee, Camp Lejeune, Get hard now, Naked Russian girls, Two finger massage, and your favorite, Wife Rides 18 African Hammers. Don’t merge this info another post, and shut off the comments, answer my question.

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  7. How about you do your job??

    Instead of burying my posts, and shutting off the comments, like a bunch small cats, how about you actually provide some customer service???
    Hundreds of emails that you ignore!!!
    Endless emails, directly from you, about squirting, bang my wife, ***** enlargement, African **** ****,…etc, etc. Isn’t this disgusting??? How do you think we feel, having to weed through this *, every single day, just to actually find legitimate emails????? Why are you refusing to do anything????????

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  8. Scheduled send feature

    Scheduled send feature similar to gmail/ outlook. Ability to send mails in future

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  9. Snooze mails feature

    Snooze mails feature similar to gmail/ outlook

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  10. After closing an email I opened, it takes me back to last email received. I have to scroll back to where I was every time I read an email.

    Every time I close an email it takes me back to the top of page & I have to scroll again if I want to get back to where I was. It’s making me not want to open emails anymore because I don’t have time to scroll from the beginning each time. When we close an email it should keep us where that email is located in the list.

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  11. no reset code from Poshmark i’ve done it twice & thrice but no code received

    Your new Yahoo mail app👎🏼
    Sucks! Gmail, hotmail are way more better.

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  12. Better Text Styling

    Please include text size in the options. When you paste text from somewhere else it’s currently impossible to match your default email style.

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  13. Flag Spam when Sender does not have email address

    Emails sent by sender with improper email address should be flagged as spam. For example, I will receive an email from *** Hardware. I cannot reply to sender whose name is only “*** Hardware” with no after it, so sender is sending spam

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  14. No emails received from senders not in my contacts

    Yahoo previously had a function where all unsolicited/spam senders who are not in my contacts, went straight to spam. Where did this function go??

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  15. 9th ranked

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  16. 10th ranked

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  17. I want my pandora emails. Your assistance is no help and im not going to pay you to fix your mistakes. I want my emails. Just help me get th

    I want my emails from pandora.if someone will help me get them I will gladly switch that account to my Gmail and delete yahoo forever. Google doest make me pay to help me out. Why do you? Sounds like greed to me

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  18. Fix the mobile app verification feature.

    The web to mobile verification feature hasn’t been working for quite some time. Very troublesome to use other methods to verify identity when logging in to the web browser version. Please fix it.

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  19. Make it possible to delete the icons in the "More" tab

    How do I delete icons from the "More" tab in the Yahoo! app? I will ?NEVER use the shopping icon, the groceries icon, the deals icon or several others. How do I delete them?

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  20. 8th ranked

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Yahoo Mail iOS App


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